Looking for your thoughts on coverage of the Money in the Bank pay per view. Who had the best recaps, reports and reviews of the show, or who had the worst? Let me know your thoughts and tips at Les@sheetsandwich.com.
We have a gargantuan episode of Talking Sheet on the site today with myself and co-host Hugh Little talking all the coverage of the Dusty Rhodes passing, looking back at the 10 year anniversary of F4Wonline.com, the “lost audio” of the now cancelled contest thought up by Tuesday Bryan & Vinny Show co-host Craig Proper as well as our popular Rear View segment looking back on the Wrestling Observer Newsletter from February 16th, 1987.
We should have the return of more regular Features and Columns on the site soon. Thanks to everyone for bearing with us during this period as the day job has been requiring a lot of extra, exhaustive hours.
Another edition of Deep Insider is in the works, as well as a feature article on the 10th anniversary of F4Wonline.com, looking back on the early years of the site before the 2008 merger with the Wrestling Observer site.
If you have memories of those first few years, or even the last seven, email me: Les@sheetsandwich.com to contribute to the piece, and to the upcoming segment on Talking Sheet celebrating the site.
Monday News Update
** Pretty slow news day coming out the WWE Money in the Bank show last night. Most of the coverage on the major news sites revolves around recaps and reviews of that show.
** ProWrestling.net’s Jason Powell looks at Jim Ross’s reaction to WWE’s tribute to Dusty Rhodes which aired multiple times during the MiTB show Sunday night.
** PW Torch continues to crush the coverage of Dusty’s passing, including this great collection of remembrances from Rhodes’ colleagues.
** Josh Nason at F4Wonline.com has pulled together an incredible list of top Dusty Rhodes matches and moments from throughout his career on the site. Really worth checking out.
** A TON of new audio shows over at F4Wonline over the past view days, with Alvarez doing the Sunday and Monday Wrestling Observer Live, the Bryan & Vinny Show MiTB Review, the Wrestling Observer Radio MiTB review with Meltzer’s thoughts, plus Meltzer and Alvarez interview all-time great Dan Gable for members only on the site today. No word yet on what happened to the Monday Filthy Four show with Tom Lawlor, however.

** If you have a pair of really strong prescription eye glasses you might be able to read this article posted on F4Wonline recapping a recent interview with Christopher Daniels talking Samoa Joe’s last ROH match.
** Daniel Bryan was interviewed about Dusty Rhodes prior to his death here
** Dusty Rhodes’ final interview can be heard here.
** Dean Ambrose cut a promo in the ring after MiTB went off the air last night, which you can watch here.
** PWInsider is reporting that Roddy Piper is writing the forward to Bob Backlund’s autobiography, basically giving me two reasons to not want to read Bob Backlund’s autobiography.
** Just in case anyone actually cares, Dave Scherer has a review of Money in the Back at PWInsider here.
** One of my favorite post-WWE show pastimes is reading viewer feedback. Here is a look at a piece of ACTUAL CORRESPONDENCE sent to Dave Meltzer as Money in the Bank feedback after the show Sunday night:
Well Kevin Owens is now just a guy. A guy who can have great matches and once beat the top guy, but is now just another guy like Bray Wyatt and so many others.
Yes… Kevin Owens is now JUST LIKE Bray Wyatt.