Wednesday News Update
** Check out the most recent MeatyFist cartoon here, paying tribute to the late American Dream Dusty Rhodes here.
** Download or stream our latest edition of the Talking Sheet Podcast here.
** PWTorch has a story recapping Cody Rhodes’s eulogy to his beloved father, Dusty Rhodes, here, which he delivered earlier Wednesday at the wrestling great’s funeral. has coverage of the Rhodes memorial service here.
** Karl Stern had an amazing podcast on the Karl Stern Classic Audio show today for members of F4Wonline.
** Stern is promising a “college course on wrestling history” during his upcoming July Marathon. Both Hugh Little and I are so eager to work out a scheduled time that works out for us to interview Karl prior to the marathon. It sounds amazing!
** The Torch’s most recent Podcast Log has been updated looking at past and upcoming guests on all the popular ex-wrestler podcasts. Check it out here.
** PWInsider has a recap of a Hollywood Reporter story looking at the Hulk Hogan sex tape lawsuit against Gawker here.
** PWInsider’s Dave Scherer put his sense of humor on display today when answering an apparently facetious question from an Elite Member who knows him all too well:
Q: What are your top 5 PPV’s to go back and watch on the Network?
A: I would have to say the five that I liked the best.SCHERER’S NOTE: The above question was asked by an Elite member who knows I HATE doing top five and ten lists. He was busting my chops. I busted back. Anyone who took it differently please, lighten up.
** F4Wonline’s David Bixenspan reports the following regarding ROH placing new limitations on their subscription service called Ringside Membership:
ROH hasn’t edited their website to reflect this yet, but the terms of the Destination America deal have made it so that they can no longer provide earlier streaming access to their TV show to fans who paid for a Ringside Membership. While there are other benefits like classic ROH video content and discounts on merchandise, one of the primary incentives was that you got a streaming version of the TV show on Mondays (none-paying members get in Thursdays). Now, they get it on Thursdays with the non-paying members, so the only legal ways to see it earlier is via a Sinclair station, one of the handful of syndicated outlets like NESN, or Destination America on Wednesday nights.
** I fucking hate Vince Russo, current example of why here.
** Bryan Alvarez was a guest on the Jim Ross “Ross Report” podcast the other day, which is an interesting listen, including Alvarez’s assertion that he’s “as positive as anybody.” Really got to admire this guy’s subtle trolling mentality while also being a proprietor of a major wrestling news outlet
** PWTorch founder and editor announced on Twitter yesterday that former Pro Wrestling Spotlight host John Arezzi has found and sent more classic tapes of his radio from the late 80s and early/mid 90s that Keller will archive and make available for VIP members in the next several years.
** Gonna be honest here: I’ve been a PW Torch subscriber for like two months now, and I have no fucking clue how to access these old radio shows on the VIP section of the website — so if anyone has any idea, feel free to drop me a line.
** Jim Ross recently, publicly, blocked Trevor the Irish Wrestling Fan for daring to suggest that Ross had intimated/hinted to Mike Modest (and another wrestler) that they discover steroids for themselves in the Beyond the Mat documentary. Soon afterward, Lance Storm attempted to pile on with a “me too” post, but realized he’d already blocked TtIW. Must have struck a nerve.
** This has to be my favorite thing from Twitter over the past week:

Safe to say, Karl Stern’s July marathon is the G1 of podcasting.