“The answer is there was no show yesterday. That’s the answer.”
That was the answer given more than a week ago when subscribers

of the popular WrestlingObserver.com/F4Wonline.com first started clamoring for their Thursday dose of OBSERVOR segments. But it wasn’t to be. Todd Martin was MIA.
For months, Martin, who co-hosted the Thursday edition of F4Daily along with Bryan Alvarez (part owner of the site along with Dave Meltzer) had been recapping old back issues of Meltzer’s Wrestling Observer (originally titled Wrestling Observor, according to old copies Martin had come into possession of). It was this segment, along with his regular victories over a clueless Alvarez in their frequent “prediction game” where each would guess the winners of pending mixed martian arts contests, that had made the show so popular among paying members.
So why had the show suddenly disappeared from the schedule with little to no reason offered by way of notice, or explanation?
The answer has to do with a longstanding rivalry between two site personalities—both lawyers—who simply hadn’t cared for each other in years, maybe even ever, which suddenly, and without warning, had bubbled to a head again in the form of a heated message board exchange.
On Friday, April 3rd, Martin would be seen to refer to his long time adversary, and occasional podcast host for the site Michael Coughlin as a “cunt” in a thread concerning Ronda Rousey, and whether she had any sort of official deal with WWE after her surprise appearance along side the Rock in an apparent showdown with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon at this year’s WrestleMania which had taken place several days prior.
Coughlin would respond with a terse screed that reads, in part, “you [Martin] aren’t half as smart as you tell everyone and you’re twice as dumb as you come across.”
After referring to Martin as a “fuckwad” and closing with an all-caps post script reminding Martin that his mother was fat, Martin replied, “my mother is dead, you sociopath.”
That was Martin’s last post, and last appearance as part of the site.
Coughlin would go on to post for another 4 hours before he, himself, would also disappear as well.
It was a precarious time for the Board, and rumors swirled aplenty that the place was to be shut down. New moderators were installed, and the site scrambled to restore order and a sense of calm that, quite frankly, never lasts thanks to a lasting sense of irreverence Alvarez himself once championed from his patrons.
But those days, it would seem, are longer gone than ever. As, too, are the days of Martin on the Thursday F4Daily.
After keeping his paid subscribers in the dark for over a week, Alvarez finally commented on the situation by announcing that the show with Martin was on “an indefinite hiatus.”
Those close to the matter have indicated that Martin doesn’t want the details of his departure discussed publicly, and doesn’t want it to be “a thing.” Ironically, in their botched efforts to adhere to Todd’s wishes, it has become “a thing” with more than 100 pages of posts across several different threads devoted to getting to the bottom of Martin’s disappearance.
For his part, Martin has remained cryptic as well, making one vague comment on Twitter:
“I hope people who have tweeted, texted and reached out on FB know that my lack of response isn’t meant as a sign of disrespect. All in time.”
When asked if Martin had quit or been fired from the site, Dave Meltzer finally weighed in on the topic, thanks to the #ToddWatch hashtag on Twitter, saying:
“Todd asked me out of friendship not to talk about it. But the answer right now is neither.”
Sources close to the matter have also said that it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that Todd would return, leading us to believe that his exile is in some ways self-inflicted, and not something forced upon him by the site.
Sheet Sandwich is treating this as a developing story, and expect to have more as it continues to unfold.
appreciate the post. i unsubscribed because of the horrendous WOL takeover of the site and the secretive nature of this. If you want to act like we’re all one family or “empire” better be straight with me.
Wrestling journalism done correctly. Mike Johnson should take a few lessons from this website, not the least of which is NO SPYWARE.
This was outstanding. Great job. A couple points that are irrelevant to the story at large, but if you want the story to be accurate nonetheless:
Todd actually lost the prediction game both years they did it. You are correct in Bryan being clueless, as his “research” consisted of reading texts from a secret psychic spy, who parlayed that into a weekly column on the front page.
Todd continues to appear on the site, if you really look for him. His MMA picks appeared on both the Secret Psychic Spy column and the Observor panel over the weekend. Moderator Ryan Frederick claims he’s been “replaced” though so we’ll see what the future holds.
Love this site though, keep it up.
This is a site that openly allows people to call others “faggots” simply because they are friends with the owner (meeting at their “EMpire conventions” and stuff like that), while at the same time saying they have a TOS that is against calling down people’s sexual orientation. Some posters have called for other posters death, and various other bullying and censorship tactics.
So, Todd calls someone a cunt, and someone calls out Todd’s mother (without knowing she was dead), and the board is almost terminated? What a bunch of weak handed people running this place.