It’s been a big couple of weeks so far for the guys at PW Torch.
Of course, by now everyone knows they have signed Todd Martin away from F4Wonline to join their rival newsletter as both a podcast host and newsletter columnist.
But they also had a great night last night as well, breaking the news that Samoa Joe had been signed to a full time deal by WWE rather than the contract he’d previously agreed to that would allow him two work Indy dates when he wasn’t committed to NXT.
However, perhaps their biggest win of the week so far is in the realm of customer service for its members.
Last night they happened to score another major membership coup too, gaining a new subscriber in our own Hugh Little. Hugh had mentioned to me that he wanted to sign up for the Torch, so we tweeted Wade Keller about the promo codes available—hoping to get Little a deal.
Ever the good humor man, Wade tweeted back:
@prowrestling@HughLittleSheet – “iwanttodd” gets you $5 off. You HAVE to be a Todd Martin fan to get this deal. That’s the only rule! 🙂
He then followed up with:
@prowrestling@HughLittleSheet – Bruce Mitchell fans can get one cent off with this coupon code: “iwantbruce”. Choose sides.
Keller confirmed that the 1¢ coupon offer would work, and tweeted once more:
In attempting to sign up, Hugh learned the Todd coupon code had actually already expired. Keller extended it, but Little had already signed up and tweeted out to Keller that it was cool, because “I’m a Pat McNeill guy”
But what really set the Torch apart is what happened next.
Little tried to use access his new membership, and quickly found himself unable to access any of the site’s features, or even log on to the VIP section of the Torch. After troubleshooting the problem together, I suggested that he email Keller.
In virtually no time at all Keller was on the case, emailing Little and identifying the problem. Little describes the scenario and the exchange:
In the end it was the space between Hugh and Little (Hugh Little) that was not letting me log in. Apparently your user name needs to be all one word, but there were no errors given, and it let me sign up that way. I could even access my user profile—I just could’t log in the the VIP area with it.
Wade changed it to one word and it worked. Through our conversation he asked, “let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions on how to make it easier for a new member to get oriented to what we offer, please let me know.”
I just told him “So far my only issue was the log-in problem. Maybe I missed it but I didn’t see any info saying I couldn’t have a space in my username. I feel like that information should definitely be added, because once I paid for the subscription I was excited to go explore only to be meet with log-in frustrations.”
According to Little, Keller quickly responded again with the following.
“Good idea to add that. It probably happens 2 or 3 times a year to new sign ups. I don’t know why but it seems most people do instinctively avoid spaces in usernames because they’re so used to using an email as a username. But you’re right”
Now, when new users sign up, it is made completely clear that two word user names are not site-friendly, and may result in login errors.
PW Torch Editor Wade Keller quickly instituted changes to the sign-up processes after feedback from Talking Sheet’s Hugh Little
Hugh and I will have much more on this on our next edition of Talking Sheet this weekend, along with Hugh’s Views on his first week as a Torch subscriber.
Yes, I’m that fool who doesn’t use the _
I don’t know what’s wrong with me either. lol
impressed by the Torch here. well done
Torch has very good audio, lots of content. A decent newsletter and a terrible (and inactive board). Miss Dave but at least no Bryan.
Wade Keller is a class act. He seems significantly cooler/more normal than most of his competitors.